Mental health

Moving to the UK, away from friends and family and possibly speaking a second language can be an isolating and distressing time for international students. 

Our training will support anyone working with international students to become familiar with the signs of serious mental illness and build skills to link with combined sources of help with minor, sudden or recurring and serious mental health problems. 

Frontline responses to the mental health needs of international students

A hands-on training course in developing basic skills to respond to the mental health needs of international students especially at times of confusion and crisis.

"I definitely feel more confident about responding to mental health issues after today's course. The role play was very useful to see how other people respond in their situation."

Participant in April 2019

 Aimed at international student advisers, counsellors, wardens, tutors, medical and welfare staff working with international students.

This training will develop skills and build confidence in responding to mental health issues. Participants will be able to use case material and exercises to help develop:

  • familiarity with the signs of, and ways of, coping with serious mental illness
  • engagement with the link between stress, isolation and psychological difficulties which increase the risk of an episode of mental illness
  • skills in linking with combined sources of help with minor, sudden or recurring and serious mental health problems
  • reflection upon values and beliefs about the common and distinctive features of the international student experience which relate to mental illness and health

  •  It will also provide the opportunity to meet others working with international students and facing similar issues. 




Details of our mental health training course
