We strongly advise against bringing large amounts of cash and recommend that you bring most of your money in Travellers' Cheques or use a Travellers' Cheque card. Keep your Travellers' Cheques in a different place from your passport. To avoid carrying large amounts of cash for your tuition fees, contact your institution before you leave home and ask if you can pay your fees in advance, by bank transfer. Alternatively, bring a cheque or bankers' draft payable to the institution.
In cash, you should carry enough money to pay for: transport from the airport to your final destination one or two nights' stay in 'bed and breakfast' accommodation (in case you cannot immediately access your booked accommodation); food; telephone calls home; and any other expenses for the first week (bus fares, stationery, social events and so on). £400-450 should be enough in most parts of the UK, slightly more in London. (However, please note that for Visa/Entry Clearance applications UKVI specifies minimum amounts - See the immigration section of our website).