Reverse culture shock

Last modified: 07 February 2020

Returning home after studying in the UK can be a really exciting time. There is a lot to look forward to; going back to your family, catching up with your friends, eating food you’ve missed and returning back to familiar places, sights, sounds that you’ve not experienced in the UK.

You may have been looking forward to returning back to your friends and family for a long time. But now that you’re back you might be feeling unsettled and like you don’t fit in anymore. Don’t worry – this is known as reverse culture shock. It is normal and to be expected!

In conclusion, bear in mind that when you return to your home country after a long absence, there can be difficulties to begin with and it can take time to re-adapt. Be aware of reverse culture shock, but do not worry about it. Concentrate on enjoying the positive aspects of being back home, such as being with friends and family, and re-discovering your own country.

Will it affect you?

Family and friends


Economy and politics

Customs and ideas


Keeping in touch

5 tips that can help

Last modified: 20 December 2017
