Student sponsor licence changes

Last modified: 18 September 2024

Most students complete their studies in the UK with no issues relating to their visa or Student sponsorship.  However, occasionally changes are made to an educational institution’s Student sponsor licence that could affect the international students that they sponsor.  Some of these changes happen because an institution changes how it operates, and some are instigated by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).  

We’ve provided guidance for changes to a sponsor’s licence that may impact you below. The action you will need to take, if any, depends on a variety of factors, for example whether you already have Student permission or if you are in the UK or overseas. 

Student sponsor undergoes significant changes in its ownership or operation (for example, a merger)

Last modified: 18 September 2024

Sometimes a sponsor institution decides to, or needs to, make changes to the way it is owned or the way it operates as a business. It may merge with another existing institution or divide itself (de-merge) into separate institutions of varying size. It may take over another institution or get taken over in full/part by another institution.  These situations are not common, but they can happen occasionally

When significant business changes happen for a Student sponsor, it can be unsettling and unnerving for the staff who work at that institution and for the students who study there. If an institution is taken over in full or in part by another organisation, students may be transferred to that other organisation. Alternatively, if an institution decides to carry out a de-merger, students may be transferred to one of the other organisations created as part of that dividing.   

Your sponsor institution must act carefully if it undergoes any such significant change in its business circumstances. All sponsors must follow prescriptive guidance written for them by the Home Office. This guidance is available online and is called the ‘Student sponsor guidance’. There are five separate guidance documents each outlining different requirements your sponsor needs to follow. Your institution is required by this Sponsor guidance to report a merger, takeover, de-merger, change of ownership and all similar changes to the Home Office in appropriate timescales.  

Document 2 of the sponsor guidance (titled 'Sponsorship duties’) assures us that:  

“[a] student studying at an organisation involved in a merger, de-merger or takeover does not need to apply for new permission to stay and the new sponsor does not have to assign a new CAS ”.   

This means that if you hold Student permission with a sponsor that is undergoing, or about to undergo, a merger/de-merger/takeover, you should not normally need to take any personal action. You also do not need to notify the Home Office about your institution’s changes – that is for your institution to do. Your Student permission would usually only be affected if the sponsor(s) involved do not follow published guidance provided by the Home Office. This is very unlikely however, as institutions that sponsor students on the Student route are aware of their responsibilities to their students and the Home Office. In any situation such as a merger/de-merger/takeover, your sponsor will likely be communicating with you via email about the changes so it is important to check your emails regularly for updates. However, if you are concerned about what that may mean for you and your Student immigration permission, ask to speak to a member of staff in the international student advice or compliance team at your institution.   

Student sponsor has closed

Last modified: 18 September 2024

An institution that closes is required to notify the Home Office. If the institution has not already lost its Student sponsor licence because of compliance reasons, the Home Office will withdraw it with immediate effect. All Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) that have been assigned become invalid, and current students' Student permission will be affected. 

Any action you need to take depends on a variety of factors, such as whether you currently have Student permission, how long you have left and where you are based: 

I currently hold Student permission

I need to make an application under the Student route

I have made an application under the Student route, and I am waiting for a decision on my application

Sponsor licence problems and non-compliance

Last modified: 18 September 2024

Student sponsors must comply with rules and guidance set out by the Home Office and UKVI. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to consequences for the sponsor’s licence, and therefore, potentially their ability to sponsor students that require a Student visa. 

UKVI outline some of the requirements for compliance in their Student sponsor guidance, specifically “Student Sponsor Guidance: Document 3: Student sponsor compliance”. UKVI outline that where non-compliance has taken place, there are two potential ‘Compliance Tracks’ that they may choose to follow to address their concerns with the sponsor. Compliance Track 1 is normally where an “isolated or minor breach of the sponsor guidance” has occurred.  

If you are a Student at a Student sponsor currently being investigated by UKVI under Compliance Track 1, you are unlikely to know this, and it is not likely to impact your immigration permission or your student experience. Your Student sponsor may be required to follow a prescribed action plan set out by UKVI which is designed to address the concerns, but this is unlikely to affect you. Student sponsors in this situation remain able to sponsor Students, assign CAS, offer CAS to new students, and will remain on the register of licensed Student sponsors.  

The following sections focus on more serious compliance breaches. They are consequences of actions taken under Compliance Track 2 by UKVI and are likely to have an impact on you as a Student at the Student sponsor in question.  

Student sponsor has failed their Basic Compliance Assessment

Last modified: 18 September 2024

When an institution first obtains a licence to sponsor students it will be listed as a 'Probationary Sponsor' on the register of licensed Student sponsors. After having this status for 12 months the institution must apply to obtain full Student Sponsor status. 

An institution that has Student Sponsor status must apply to the Home Office every 12 months to have a basic compliance assessment. Your sponsor must be able to show that most of the students to whom it issues a CAS are granted Student immigration permission, enroll on and complete their course, and that it and its students comply with all relevant immigration requirements. 

Failure to pass this annual assessment means UKVI will begin compliance action against the Student sponsor, often starting with removing them from the register of licensed sponsors.  

Student sponsor has been given a zero CAS allocation

Last modified: 18 September 2024

The Home Office can decide to stop a Student sponsor from issuing any Confirmations of Acceptance for Study (CAS), even if the sponsor remains on the register of licensed Student sponsors. This is usually called a zero CAS allocation. 

If this happens to your sponsor, but you have been issued a CAS for a Student route application, you can still use that CAS in the normal way. Your Student application should not be held or delayed, unless the Home Office decides to remove your institution from the register of licensed sponsors. 

Students who are actively sponsored by a Student sponsor that has a zero CAS allocation may continue with their studies, and they may enter or re-enter the UK using that permission.  

If you need to make a Student route application and you have not yet been issued a CAS, you will need to wait until your Student sponsor can issue CAS again before applying, or seek study at another sponsor.  

We advise all students studying at (or planning to study at) a Student sponsor with a zero CAS allocation to monitor the situation closely as the situation may change as the Student sponsor addresses any concerns from the Home Office.   

Student sponsor has had its licence revoked

Last modified: 18 September 2024

Sponsor licence revocation is the strongest compliance action UKVI can take on a Student sponsor. If a Student sponsor licence is revoked, they are no longer able to sponsor any students on the Student route. This affects current and prospective students. The sponsor will be removed and banned from the register of licensed Student sponsors. 

Any action you need to take depends on a variety of factors, such as whether you currently have time remaining on your Student permission, and where you are based: 

I have time remaining on my Student permission

I have made an application under the Student route, and I am waiting for a decision on my application

I am overseas


Tuition fee refunds, cancellation and changing Student sponsors

Last modified: 18 September 2024

Any changes to your Student sponsor licence can mean major changes to your time in the UK, so seek advice and guidance where appropriate. Your Student sponsor’s international student advice or compliance team should be an important point of contact. 

What does cancellation mean?

Changing Student sponsor

Can I get a tuition fee refund?
