UKCISA are not experts on the Skilled Worker route, and do not provide advice about individual circumstances. It is important that you speak to your prospective Skilled Worker sponsor about any concerns, questions, or issues you may have in respect of the route and the visa application.
We have collated some resources that will hopefully give you further guidance on the Skilled Worker route to help you with these discussions.
Government resources
Skilled Worker visa information page
This is the Gov.UK main homepage for the Skilled Worker visa. It provides detailed information about the route and its costs, eligibility requirements, and further information about dependants.
Appendix Skilled Worker (Immigration rules)
These are the rules that govern the Skilled Worker route.
Appendix Skilled Occupations (Immigration rules)
This appendix to the immigration rules outlines all of the job roles that can be sponsored under the Skilled Worker route, the related salaries, and the occupation codes for employers to use when issuing CoS.
Skilled Worker visa: minimum salary (new entrants)
This guidance document outlines all of the eligible jobs under Option E (new entrant) and their respective minimum salaries.
Skilled Worker caseworker guidance
This guidance is intended for use for Home Office caseworkers, but does include helpful information to applicants and employers.
Skilled Worker eligibility tool
This tool will provide a set of basic questions to help you work out if you could be eligible for a Skilled Worker visa.
Register of licensed sponsors: workers
This is a list of all organisations in the UK that hold a licence to sponsor under work routes including Skilled Worker. It is updated daily.
Find an immigration adviser
If you need advice or representation during a Skilled Worker visa application, you should seek an immigration adviser that is registered with the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA). This tool provides a searchable list of IAA registered advisers that you can contact if you need support.
Other resources
UKCISA - International Student Employability Group
UKCISA chairs this group of sector bodies to conduct research into international student employability, engage with government and employers, and support education providers with international students and work. We have further resources here that may help you (and your employer) during your Skilled Worker route journey.