WeAreInternational Grants scheme

Last modified: 20 August 2024

The #WeAreInternational Grants scheme focuses on integrating the principles of the #WeAreInternational Student Charter in higher and further education institutions in the UK.

About the grants scheme

Last modified: 20 August 2024

The #WeAreInternational Grants scheme focuses on integrating the principles of the #WeAreInternational Student Charter in higher and further education institutions in the UK, to deliver a world-class international student experience, from pre-arrival to post-graduation.  

In 2022-2024 applicants selected one of the five principles of the #WeAreInternational Student Charter as the guiding framework for research or a project. UKCISA members applied for a grant between £1,000 to £4,000, covering one year of a project or research development. The 2022-2024 scheme project and research applications ran from February 2023 to February 2024.

Applications for the next Grants scheme open in Autumn 2024.

Grants scheme 2022-2024

Last modified: 01 July 2024

From 2022-2024 eight grants were awarded to institutions running both pilot projects and research into how to better support international students to have a positive experience in the UK.

Download the summaries here or the full reports below.




Webinar August 2024

Last modified: 20 August 2024

In August 2024, four of the grant holders from the #WeAreInternational Grants scheme took part in a webinar to share their journeys, findings and top tips for others looking to undertake research or implement projects to improve the international student experience. 

Download the slides, including Q&A here. 
