The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS), a member of UKCISA’s International Student Employability Group (ISEG), has captured the experiences of international graduates seeking employment in the UK after graduation in a series of case studies.
Who are you?
Nationality / country of origin
Current visa
Graduate route
Are your expectations of your Graduate route visa being met?
Strongly disagree
University, level of study and programme of study
Birmingham City University
Higher degree, mainly by taught course (eg MA, MSc, MBA)
Logistics and supply chain management
How many roles have you applied for since leaving university?
Current activity
Thoughts on your visa
Most of the companies I interviewed with are not accepting the Graduate route. Getting the visa after finishing my studies wasn’t difficult, but the cost is high.
Support and development
I had support from my university careers service, including a one-to-one appointment with a careers adviser. I received CV feedback and gained access to job vacancy listings. Since university, I have achieved several certificates on LinkedIn.
“When I told an employer about my visa, they simply refused to hire me.”
Employer knowledge and attitudes
Most of the employers I’ve interviewed for didn’t know about the Graduate route visa, I had to explain it. My impression is that employers do not recruit applicants on the Graduate route visa. I secured one job, but when I told them about my visa, they simply refused to hire me.