A Partnership for Quality: a route to a UK quality framework with education agents

Date:Jun 2021
Topic(s): Pathways

UKCISA and the British Universities’ International Liaison Association (BUILA) commissioned research into the role education agents play within the higher education sector in the UK. The purpose of the research was to:

  • Clarify the models (or personas) and functions of education agents and the marketplace in which they operate.
  • Provide an evidenced-based framework for decision-making.
  • Confirm or disprove some prevailing views about education agent use offer students, education agents and sector stakeholders a voice.
  • Obtain insights and recommendations for the future.

The researchers, Edified, surveyed students, agents and university recruitment staff and carried out numerous one to one interviews to produce the detailed report published in March 2021. 

The report summarises the research, explains the diverse role education agents play, provides an overview of the framework agents currently operate in and lists recommendations for actions to enhance and improve the quality framework.
