Last modified:
19 June 2020

International Student Mental Health Online Seminars 9-11 June
Programme of online events (Free for UKCISA members and FE colleges)
*Please note a separate booking form will need to be completed for each seminar.
Tuesday 9 June @ 10-11am
Student Minds University Mental Health Charter
Student Minds will introduce their guidance on how universities can prioritise mental health and wellbeing of staff and students in a Covid19 context.
They'll provide a brief introduction to Student Minds, their approach to supporting students and universities during the pandemic, and what they've been finding about the impact of the pandemic on student and staff mental health through their listening and research with the sector.
They'll then introduce the key areas universities can focus on to support the mental health and wellbeing of your communities, and pick out key areas to consider in supporting international students.
Tuesday 9 June @ 1-2pm
International Student Mental Health and Further Education
Emma Meredith, International Director, Association of Colleges (AoC), Liz Maudslay, Policy Manager LLDD, Association of Colleges (AoC) and Richard Caulfield, Area Director for the North West and AoC National Lead on Mental Health will explore what staff need to consider when supporting students in FE.
Tuesday 9 June @ 3-4pm
Mental Health and the Curriculum
Dr Heather Gray and Dr Shiv Shanmugam from Glasgow Caledonian University will present on research that they have carried out in Scotland on student mental wellbeing and the curriculum. This is of interest to all staff supporting international students through their studies in the UK, and particularly useful for academic staff who wish to consider how best to adapt programmes (face to face and online during the Covid-19 Crisis) to ensure positive student mental wellbeing.
Wednesday 10 June @10-11am
Panel discussion: International student mental health policy and practice
Emma Douthwaite - Safeguarding and Welfare Manager, Office for Students
Doug Little - Project Manager – International Student Mental Health, University of Nottingham
John de Pury - Assistant Director of Policy, Universities UK
Michelle Jideofor - UKCISA #WeAreInternational Student Ambassador
This panel session will look at mental health policy considerations for international students. We will hear from the Office for Students, (pre and during Covid-19) and about learning so far from the OfS Challenge Competition Project on international student mental health led by the University of Nottingham. We will learn about the refreshed strategic framework for a whole-university approach to mental health recently released by Universities UK and we will hear from one UKCISA student ambassador about her experience in the UK.
Thursday 11 June @ 10-11am
An international student perspective: interview with Parvathy Ramesh
This is a unique opportunity for members to hear from #WeAreInternational student ambassador and University of Glasgow MSc student in Global Mental Health, Parvathy Ramesh. In conversation with UKCISA Director of Policy and Services, Julie Allen, Parvathy will share some of her learning from her course, talk about her experience of being an international student in the UK and how Covid-19 has impacted on her (and her peers’) mental health. She will also give us an insight into support for mental health in her own country, India, and she will tell us about what staff in universities and colleges can do to support international students during their studies in the UK.