UKCISA response to the Secretary of State for Education’s comments on international students

23 July 2024


This week the Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson, has commented publicly in the media and at the Education Embassy Conference on how the UK welcomes international students and recognises the value they bring to our country. 

Speaking on The Today Programme on Radio 4 on 22 July, the Secretary of State for Education mentioned the difference international students have made to the local economy and regeneration in her constituency of Houghton and Sunderland South, and their wider role in creating opportunities in our economy. UKCISA also welcomes the commitment this government has made to the graduate route, providing a flexible pathway for international graduates to gain work experience and complement the skills developed during their degree for up to two years (three as a PhD graduate).     

UKCISA will work with government to help deliver a sustainable international student policy, and ensure that the policy environment enables international students to thrive and succeed alongside home students. Furthermore, it is encouraging to hear the new government acknowledge the public good that UK universities provide. This recognition is key to the sustainability of our education offer, and a cornerstone of any commitment to building local, national and international partnerships. 

Anne Marie Graham, UKCISA Chief Executive, commented: 

I welcome the clear recognition from the Secretary of State that international students are a positive for UK education and society. In our policy position paper published earlier this year, we called for government to promote the UK as a welcoming and inclusive country. We are delighted to see that the new government is already changing the rhetoric by explicitly stating that international students are welcomed and valued, and are recognised as having significant cultural benefits as well as a substantial economic impact. 

Adityavarman Mehta, Chair of the UKCISA’s Student Advisory Group, commented: 

“Like many international students, I came to study in the UK to benefit from the world-class academic and cultural experience. It’s heartening to hear that our social and financial contributions to universities and communities are being recognised positively, and to feel that the UK government is welcoming all that international students bring.” 

You can read the Education Secretary's speech from the Embassy Education Conference in full on
