Student survey on impact of political rhetoric, safety, and financial requirements

17 September 2024


UKCISA is gathering evidence on the perceived impact political rhetoric, perceptions of safety, and financial requirements will have on current and recent international students, to inform its work. 

In July 2024, the United Kingdom voted in a new government, which holds potential to affect the overall experience of international students in the UK. Soon after, the government hinted at its stance on international students at the Embassy Education Conference, with Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson noting:  

“For too long, international students have been treated as political footballs, not valued guests — their fees welcomed but their presence resented; exploited for cheap headlines, not cherished for all they bring to our communities. This government will take a different approach…  Be in no doubt: international students are welcome in the UK.” 

We wish to understand how this change in government and recent events in the UK, including changing perceptions of safety and rises in the cost of living, are affecting international students in the UK. 

If you are a current or recent international student studying in the UK, we would like to hear your thoughts on how the political climate, perceptions of safety, and maintenance requirements will affect your experience in the UK. We invite you to complete our survey to provide your thoughts and feedback.  

Complete the survey

Once you have filled out the survey yourself, please share it with others who may wish to contribute to this work. 

We value your privacy and want to assure you that this survey does not collect any personal data that could identify you. Your responses are completely anonymous. The information you provide will be used solely for research purposes to help us understand trends, preferences, and opinions within the international student and graduate cohorts. Your anonymous responses will be aggregated with those of other participants to generate insights and reports. We appreciate your honest feedback and thank you for your valuable contribution to our study.   

The questionnaire will close on Wednesday 2 October 2024 at 3.00pm. 
